Based on reality therapy concepts, here are some simple but serious suggestions for feeling better, becoming happier, getting along with others, increasing self-esteem, and finding greater meaning and purpose in life. Your clients will learn that to reach their goals, they must first take control of their lives and work hard, even when they don’t feel like it. Use this to improve your counseling strategies or as a self-help book for those in need. The greatest compliment to any book is to say that it is practical and positive. Many self-help books focus on the negative or on “fixing” what is wrong with us. Working from a more positive perspective in looking toward problem resolution. In a step-by-step way, this booklet helps readers develop a plan that will help put them back charge of their lives.
This workbook explains the latest color chart that The William Glasser Institute has published to illustrate how the brain works and why and how we behave. This explanation will emphasize how Choice Theory® is used both to counsel and/or to manage people. This chart supersedes all previous charts and is the one to use with this workbook.
This book will teach you how you can take charge of your life using choice theory psychology. You will learn to make more effective choices than the painful, ineffective ones that too many of us now make as we attempt to satisfy powerful and unrelenting needs within us. But to learn choice theory, you will have to give up your lifelong commonsense belief that almost all you do is a reaction or response to events around you.
The ‘Window of Certainty’ is a guide for educational leaders who would like to build a culture of powerful alignment in their own complex organisation. In your school, the ‘Window of Certainty’ will be a framework for gathering and expressing the unifying intentions and practices that will deepen the sense of alignment and shared purpose. It will enable you to assemble your vision, desired outcomes, cultural values and constructive beliefs in one systematic representation, so that it easily becomes a reference point for the whole organisation.